August 2, 2009

Passing away of President Aquino - Décès du Président Aquino

Former President Cory Aquino died at 3am August 1, 2009

I remember the immense pride I felt many years ago when I saw on the news this tiny women being able to do - very simply - what so many had fail to obtain ! and withouth any violence ! She made HISTORY by having masses of people courageously joined her in Manila to ask a dictator to step down. There were students on the streets with nuns and priests, you saw young family togheter with lolas, so many people. There where millions gathered in that park - yellow flags everywhere. I remember, on the pictures I saw, she had flowers in her hands. The tanks did not move, the army got surronded by pacific manifestants. No blood was sheed. A non-violent EDSA revolution (People Power) happend right before my eyes! She brought democraty back to the Philippines. She showed the world it was possible to build a new world. The Philippines showed the world a better new world could be built by the people !

Since then, Aquino has been a symbol to me (and to so many persons around the globe) that you can do almost anything.

In our life time, History will not remember a lot of people. There is Mandela, Gandhi and Aquino.... unfortunatly the list is not so long.

The Edsa revolution has been an inspiration in asia and also in estern europe. Many people link Aquino's actions to the Orange revolution. It has also been inspirational to the anti-mondialisation mouvement.

Life seams a little smaller withouth such a person.

I personnaly join my grieving to the people of the Philippines

Paalam na Mme Aquino