July 8, 2009

Eternal friendship - Une amitié éternelle

Je réalise la profondeur de l'amitié forgée lors de mon séjour ici en 1981. La force d'une forme d'amour et de respect de l'autre et de ses différences. La possibilité de l'amitié homme-femme entre une canadienne-québecoise et un philippin. Le lien presque frère-soeur qui nous unit... même après tout ce temps.

Manuel Novio, mon partenaire aux Philippines dans le cadre du projet "Jeunesse Canada Monde" de 1981, est un frère pour moi. J'ai eu la chance cette fois-ci de connaître et de rentrer dans sa famille. De devenir amie et confidente de son épouse (ce qu'on a ri ensemble) et de connaître ses deux garçons (en fait, je devrais dire "ses 2 hommes"). Une famille extraordinaire! Bien des gens doutent que l'amitié homme-femme puisse exister, et bien, je peux vous assurer que si!

J'ai revu Zaida, Claudio, Fe, Marie-Hope, Ester... Si la météo l'avait autorisé, j'en aurais rencontré bien plus le 26 juin dernier....Avec chaque personne, un lien indéfectible, un lien qui surprend par sa force et son authenticité. Une amitié sans frontière uniquement possible que lorsqu'on a partagé des expériences de vies fortes et significatives ensemble.C'est impressionnant de revenir dans la vie des gens, qu'on vous ouvre la porte sans gêne pour vous y inviter avec tout ce que la vie a pu apporter de beau, de difficile, d'extraordinaire et de souffrances. Ouvrir la porte à la vraie vie, sans censure. Simplement. Une amitié internationale et éternelle

Eternal friendship

I realize the depth of friendships forged when I was here in 1981: the strength of a form of love and respect for others and their differences, the possibility of man-woman friendship between a Canadian and a Quebec-Philippines. A kind of brother-sister link that unites us, even after all this time.

Manuel Novio, my partner in the Philippines as part of the "Canada World Youth" project of 1981, is a brother to me. I was lucky this time to meet and become part of his family. To become friend and confidante of his wife (how much we laughed) and to meet his boys (who are now 2 men). What an extraordinary family! Many people doubt that the friendship between men and women may exist. Well, I can assure you that it can!

I have met again Zaida, Claudio, Fe, Marie-Hope, and Ester. If the weather had permitted, I would have met many more on June 26.With each person, an unbreakable link, a link that surprises by its strength and authenticity. Friendships without borders made possible because we shared strong and meaningful experiences together.It is impressive to return to people's lives. That they would open their door without discomfort, to invite you with all that life has been able to provide, with its share of beauty, difficulty, extraordinary, and sufferings. Opening the door to real life, without censorship. Simply. An international and eternal friendship.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Good day Princess. It's very nice to hear from you.

    A day or too you will feel better. The jet lag will be gone and you'll be able to adjust to the climate in your place. We've missed you already. The day you leave for Japan, we should have gone to the airport to see you off but circumstances didn't permit us. At that time I was grilled by the accreditors, defending the documents that I prepared in my area while Manny went straight to the hospital because that day Travis was being discharged. I would like to tell you that with such short a time that you've been here I feel that I've met and known you a long time ago. I treasure the day you come to us because I found a friend in you. I just hope the two boys had assisted you properly during your stay here and that you enjoy your stay here at URS. I've been reading your blog and I admire your concern to the Filipinos you meet, your appreciation and interest not only to the scenic scenes of my country but also its history, culture and people. You are a very sensitive woman and in your own way tries to help the less privilege as in the case of the students' in Zaida's school to visit and see what Ayala museum has. You are indeed of full surprises to the people whom you cared about. Well next time you come here we will visit again other places maybe Villa Escudero, Kamay ni Hesus at Lucban, Quezon and this time Daranak Falls in Tanay and the Guest House of Former President Joseph Estrada here also in Tanay.
