May 16, 2009

Internet infrastructure differences between Canada and the Philippines

Il est difficile pour Elise de faire de l'internet aux Philippines. Les capacités limitées de la ligne internet à laquelle elle a accès l'oblige à se limiter au strict minimum de ses échanges de bits. Ci-dessous je vous transmet un message de Mary Hope qui nous renseigne sur les efforts d'Elise pour se brancher de façon plus efficace au réseau.
 Notre Elise s'en vient pas mal techno...

"Hi again Andre! Zaida, another youth exchangee met Elise the other day.Elise is so well and fine! No need for her family to panic out there! Zaida mentioned that Elise will be going to Globelines to have her laptop connected with "something" so that, I guess, it will start "rolling". Or maybe by this time as I am writing to you, maybe, she has emailed you already. It's nice to know you Andre... thanks for writing back. Take care.I will be seeing Elise in Manila before she returns back to Canada, probably June 26."  ( Mary Hope)

Above is a message from Mary Hope who informs us of the difficulties Elise encountered while trying to get on the internet. Elise will soon be updating her communication technology. She is getting quite technological with this trip.

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