June 16, 2009

More Photos of Baranguay Bato - D'autres photos de la communauté de Bato

These charming photos were taken on June first, the day prior to Elise's departure from Baranguay Bato. They were uploaded only recently.

Ces charmantes photos datent du 1er juin, la veille du départ d'Elise de la communauté de Bato. Elle n'ont été téléchargées que récemment.

B.B.Q. time
Roasting an entire pig over charcoal is an important tradition in the Philippines. It is called lechon, from its Spanish origin.

Rôtir un cochon entier sur des charbons est une importante tradition aux Philippines, que l'on appelle "lechon", à cause des ses origines Espagnoles. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elise or any Trani member, I got into your blog in my search for a beautiful Trani girl from Biliran back in the '60s whom I have met and befriended. She was a teacher then and the daughter of Mrs Trani, a principal of one of the schools in Biliran at the time. I just want some information about her, where she is now. Her name is Delia Trani.
    Any information about her will be greatly appreciated.

    Jun Managbanag
